петък, 13 февруари 2015 г.

Red Eagle Entertainment съдят Хариет

This morning brought startling news. A “pilot” for a Wheel of Time series, the "pilot" being called Winter Dragon, had appeared at 1:30 in the morning, East Coast time, on Fxx TV, a channel somewhere in the 700s (founded to concentrate on comedy, according to theWashington Post).
It was made without my knowledge or cooperation. I never saw the script. No one associated with Bandersnatch Group, the successor-in-interest to James O. Rigney, was aware of this.
Bandersnatch has an existing contract with Universal Pictures that grants television rights to them until this Wednesday, February 11 – at which point these rights revert to Bandersnatch.
I see no mention of Universal in the “pilot”. Nor, I repeat, was Bandersnatch, or Robert Jordan’s estate, informed of this in any way.
I am dumbfounded by this occurrence, and am taking steps to prevent its reoccurrence.

Harriet P McDougal
President and CEO
Bandersnatch Group, Inc.
February 9, 2015
Това е изявлението на Хариет по повод излъчването на онова подобие на пилотен епизод. Според REE изглежда това се води "клевета". (източник: google +)

А днескашният ден осъмна със следната новина:

Law360, San Diego (February 12, 2015, 8:08 PM ET) -- The producers of a TV adaptation of Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time” fantasy book series accused the author’s widow of slander on Thursday in California federal court, alleging she publicly ridiculed the pilot that aired days before the producers’ rights were set to expire.
Red Eagle Entertainment LLC’s 30-minute pilot for the series aired on FXX in the early hours of Feb. 9, at 1:30 a.m. EST, and was quickly derided by fans and writers for its low-budget special effects, slow pacing and stilted acting. Red Eagle’s rights to the series would have expired on Feb. 11 if it hadn’t aired anything.
Jordan’s widow Harriet McDougal released a statement Monday distancing herself from the pilot. She claimed that her company Bandersnatch Group Inc., which is Jordan’s successor in interest, had a deal with Universal Pictures to produce the show, not Red Eagle.
“I see no mention of Universal in the ‘pilot,’” she wrote. “Nor, I repeat, was Bandersnatch, or Robert Jordan's estate, informed of this in any way. I am dumbfounded by this occurrence, and am taking steps to prevent its reoccurrence.”
Red Eagle alleges that it granted some rights to Universal but they reverted back to Red Eagle last year. McDougal knew Universal was no longer involved because she and her lawyers were told about the rights change, according to the suit. Her statement was meant to disparage the show and cast doubt on Red Eagle’s legal ability to produce the pilot, the company alleged.
“Instead of confirming the rights for which she has been so richly compensated for, McDougal sought to harm the business prospects of [Red Eagle] by making statements she knew to be false,” Red Eagle said.
Red Eagle’s dealing with Jordan dates back to 2004, when a subsidiary paid Jordan $35,000 for a one-year option to buy movie and TV rights for the first of 15 books in the “Wheel of Time” series. The company eventually paid another $595,000 to extend the option and buy the rights, which would revert back to Bandersnatch if nothing came of the deal, according to the complaint.
The subsidiary, Manetheren LLC, signed a separate deal with Universal in 2009, giving it an interest in making films or a TV show based on the book, but the rights came back to Manetheren in February 2014 because Universal hadn’t started shooting by then, the complaint said.
McDougal was invited last year to a series of meetings between Manetheren, Sony Pictures Television and Radar Pictures LLC about a possible TV series and offered to serve as a consultant, according to the suit. Red Eagle claims McDougal never raised any concerns about Manetheren’s rights to go ahead with the show.
Manetheren further claims McDougal breached a 2008 deal over comic book rights, with both sides agreeing not to make any negative or contentious public statements about each other. And contrary to McDougal’s released statement, Manetheren was not required to get her approval before releasing the show, the producers said.
Representatives for the parties did not immediately respond Thursday to requests for comment.
Red Eagle is represented by Jonathan D. Freund and Stephen P. Crump of Freund & Brackey LLP.
Counsel information for the defendants was not immediately available.
The case is Red Eagle Entertainment LLC et al. v. Bandersnatch Group Inc. et al., case number 2:15-cv-01038, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.
--Editing by Emily Kokoll.
(Източник: Law360

Към момента вече съм убедена на 100%, че псетата от REE (като "псетата от Шайдо", got it?) са си изгубили акъла. 

понеделник, 9 февруари 2015 г.

Wheel of Time: Winter Dragon (линкове за гледане)

Е, както винаги феновете не си поплюват. Първо се появи САМ версия, която преднамерено не споделих тук. Но вече има хубави клипчета в ютуб.

Част първа: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPxPBYL-0xU
Част втора: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dybgQnbpjS0

Инджой, рандландъри. И нека Светлината Ви пази.

П.С. Малко отзиви и коментари, които ще хвърлят светлина над настроението по отношение на Red Eagle Entertainment :)

Wheel of Time: Winter Dragon

Драги ми уот манияци,

Онези от вас, които все още отделят време да следят интернет пространството за новини, свързани с Колелото на Времето, навярно са попаднали на едно малко странно събитие... като сън в Тел-айрен-риод.  С тази разлика, че е една идея по-истинско. И че ако наистина бяхме в Света на Сънищата, щеше да бъде и направено по-добре. Както и да е.

И така. Има заснет и излъчен 1 епизод от сериял по Колелото на Времето и, по-точно, Окото на Света... и още по-точно - Пролога към Окото на Света. Иначе казано по някаква си американска телевизия преди няколко часа са давали Луз Терин Теламон и Ишамаел :) С брада. И те така. 

Не знам дали някога ще успеем да видим това... този епизод. Ако се появи работещ линк, ще споделя. Не знам и дали си заслужава гледането (по-скоро не, но... е, то е ясно, че ще се гледа; не, че съм вманиячена на тема „Колелото“. Разбира се, че не), нито знам дали ще има още такива епизоди, дали ще се превърне в нещо сериозно или не. На няколко места прочетох, че най-вероятно това е ход от страна на Red Eagle Entertainment да си запазят правата върху „Колелото на Времето“. Някой ще оспори ли твърдението ми, че тези хора нямат никаква чест? ДА'ЦАНГ! Да ги изгори дано! Светлината да ги изгори на пепел дано!

Ееениуей... Сандерсън споделя, че Тийм Джордан (нито той самият) не са участвали в продукцията на този сериял/епизод.

Линк към новината в Драгонмаунт (внимание, сайтът може много трудно да зарежда.. при мен вече спря): клик . За повече информация може да следите тези две фейсбук групи: Wheel of Time, Screw you all, I love Wheel of TIme, както и това събитие.

И да... Били Зейн в ролята на Ишамаел :)

понеделник, 25 август 2014 г.

The Wheel of Time Encyclopedia is dead!

Повярвахте ли ми? И на мен днес ми изиграха тази късна първоаприлска шега, но съумях да запазя прилично айезседайско самообладание (да бе да...).  :) Та, на въпроса... 

Енциклопедията ще се казва The Wheel of Time Companion, ще бъде с приблизителната дължина на Силата на Сянката и, при все това, ще бъде написана от PoV (не знам дали герой и, ако да, кой) във време след Спомен за Светлина. Готино, нали? Датата се очаква да бъде около ноември догодина, което не е чак толкова готино, но все пак е поносимо. Поне имаме какво да очакваме за по-идната зима. Като цяло, аз лично съм силно заинтригувана от предстоящата книга (която вече ще е и баш, баш последната... хлип).

Повече информация относно Companion-a, както и новини около цялата поредица, Team Jordan и прочее, може да откриете тук. А феновете, които се надяват да видят любимата ни поредица екранизирана, могат да бъдат зарадвани с факта, че развитие (макар и микроскопично) има. Най-малкото правата ще бъдат върнати, където им е местенцето. В горепосочения линк ще откриете още и някои доста странни факти... Кратък пример: 
  • The oddest research request was Jordan asking how babies feel when they are born. This was eventually used in the bonding scene in Winter's Heart.
Та те това е за сега. Текущата информация достига до нас благодарение на неотдавнашния WorldCon, който, както всяка година, се оказва плодотворен откъм сведения. 

П.С. Съжалявам за до-о-оста голямото ми забавяне. Но се опасявам, че за напред все така рядко ще имаме новини относно Колелото, които да си споделяме и на които да се радваме. Но това не означава, че всичко е свършило, разбира се... Няма краища при въртенето на Колелото на Времето. :) 

вторник, 27 май 2014 г.

RJ's notes 3 & 4

Навярно всеки от вас се е чудил как изглеждат героите. Наистина как изглеждат - т.е. това, което авторът си представя, и което би трябвало да се възприема като реалност (не, че сте длъжни тези образи за задължителни, разбира се). Е, чуденето свърши :) Изненади? Разбира се!
Този път разкритията от бележките на Робърт Джордан може и да не ви се виждат особено интригуващи, но в следващите части очаквайте по-големи „уоу“ моменти. ;)
И ако се ядосвате, че не можете да запомните правописа на дадено име - не се тревожете! И най-добрите не успяват :))

Part 3

● Rand was supposed to be blinded with a hot iron and his hand cut off, made to wander as a beggar. Elyn tried to save him unsuccess (developed character later in Elayne).
● The notes also said he would regain his sight and his hand, but not how. There were at least two variants over time.
● In the notes I’m reading, RJ hadn’t even decided that Moiraine had been there before. But at one point there were 7 Eyes. Originally, one for each seal. He hadn’t developed the idea very far when he settled on just one, and one Green Man…. (about the first visit Moiraine did to Someshta)
● Egwene: 18-yo Audrey Hepburn. Nynaeve: young Jacqueline Bisset. Aviendha: young Sophie Lauren. Elayne: 18-yo Nicole Kidman (!)
● In this file he put Hedy Lamarr for Moiraine. It was Michelle Pfieffer in another one. Also, Min: Isabella Rossellini.
● Something RJ didn’t make terribly clear in the books: Cadsuane is stronger then Egwene and Elayne at full potential.
● Liandrin and Serafelle have last names! (And some others who never had them in the books) Also, Hattori came from RJ’s notes.
● Just found evidence of a mysterious saidin/saidar scale in a Forsaken file. Not sure how I missed that before! So the men are also ranked.
● By the way, I meant the (living, as of KOD) Forsaken men (including Aginor) were ranked by RJ—haven’t seen any rankings for Asha’man.
● But I will say that Taim wasn’t in the doc I saw (KOD prep file). Nor was Sammael, Asmodean, or Rahvin.
● Also saw Alivia’s strength for the first time. I will just say that her strength surprised me. Semirhage too, and Graendal. Those three and Sharina go against common wisdom.
● Egwene had reached her full potential by the end. Elayne, Aviendha and Nynaeve had not. One very old Aes Sedai also had not (an exception).
● Some might have argued that Elayne and Nynaeve reached it by the end, but they weren’t really even close. Nynaeve was closer.
● Quote from the notes: “When Toveine is angry, serpents flee!” RJ was in a mood when he wrote that passage, apparently.
● In which RJ cannot spell Moghedien to save his life. *MOGHEDEAN? No, MOGHEDIAN. Definitely MOGHEDIAN. MOGHEDIAN MOGHEDIAN MOGHEDIAN.*
● RJ considered naming one of the Forsaken De’ath. No joke.

Part 4

● Actually, the disaster in the previous Age was in RJ’s earliest outline that I can find. It seems to have gone under the radar at one point, and then some elements of it were readopted later. Shai’tan started out as some kind of alien god-being, and the Forsaken as his alien half-men lieutenants, or something. 
● Between one-third and one-half of all Aes Sedai (possibly somewhat more) are either gay or (mainly) bisexual to one degree or another.
● Moiraine was once Imorgaine.
● RJ to Maria: “You will hate me for this one. Please give me a list of all geographical features mentioned by name.”
● RJ referred to the “ferrets” as the “fifth column” and the “vileness” as the “pogroms”. He sometimes used fan terms, like “sad bracelets”.
● In the nascence, Elayne teaches Rand how to read. His favorite book turns out to have been written by Lews Therin a.k.a. Jarad Telamon.
● Oh, and it was supposed to be only known by a few scholars that Lews Therin wrote it. Rand was to find that out much later.
● Evanellein thought her butt was too big. She was very insecure about it. I wonder if that tidbit will be in the Encyclopedia. :)
● A power weilder [sic] can be slain by an arrow in the back as easily as anyone else.”—from a very nascent outline. Sa’khan=only named char.
● I can say that Narishma was intended to be the fulfillment of the “follows after” prophecy from the time he was introduced.
● Or close to it anyway. He was Taim’s excuse for showing up in Rand’s quarters in LOC; that excuse was always an oddity.
● To inform Rand that he had found a sparker (the first). It was an excuse he probably thought he wouldn’t need.
● Sindhol means “Neverland” in the Old Tongue.
● Sorilea was an option for being a Darkfriend.
● Berelain’s relationship with the Wise Ones: no exciting reason. They just respect her because she makes the best of her situation and uses her sexuality as “a weapon”.
● The detail RJ put into this relationship in his notes is very demonstrative of why we should be happy this detail wasn’t in the books. He went on about how Therava dominates Galina, which is weird for Galina because she is usually “a top”.