Повече за колекцията и бележките на Джордан може да научите от специалния блог: The True Source, от новината в Dragonmount, както и от датабазата в Theoryland (tag: rj's notes)
А благодарение на упоритостта на LightOne (wot-tidbits.tumblr.com) да следи туитъра на Терез, ще ви представя и малко изрезки от самите бележки:
RJ's notes 1
Rand was originally supposed to hook up with Morgase, who was a mix of Morgase, Elaida, and Berelain, and who gave birth to Galad. Galad was not only supposed to channel but also turn to the Shadow because of Rand’s affair with Morgase.
Galad was originally intended to start channeling after the Cleansing. And Lan was his father (by Morgase).
Sa’angreal are so rare that they all have names.
There were also supposed to be “natural” angreal scattered around, areas like Stedding where channelers could instead augment their powers.
There were originally supposed to be little Blights scattered around the southern lands in addition to the Northern Blight.
Apparently RJ pictured Birgitte as Xena and Rand as Ben Affleck.
RJ pictured Faile as a young Cher. Fain as Alan Rickman.
RJ's notes 2
Rand was at some point supposed to find himself shipwrecked on the shore of a nation of female warriors (separate from the Aiel). Kinky, eh?
The land Rand was supposed to be shipwrecked on eventually became Seanchan, and the woman he fell in love there with became Tuon.
Originally, proto-Tuon had to be convinced to let Rand leave to escape Aes Sedai, but she was to follow him later & take the Stone for him.
The Aiel were already named and developed at that point, and a female Aiel warrior-society-type was already on his list of intended lovers.
RJ had developed the Aiel as a concept before almost anything else, including the main characters, including Mat and Perrin.
RJ appears to have written most of his Aes Sedai notes around TPOD-COT. I’m sure that contributed to his slowing down quite a bit.
For those who wondered about Min’s viewing of a white-hot iron for Rand…that was an early-conceived plotline that RJ actually abandoned.
Moiraine was originally supposed to become Amyrlin at some point. Her character seems to have been split to create Siuan.
RJ often left notes reminding himself to further develop things: e.g. x happens (how?) y happens (why?). Or just (THIS NEEDS TO BE BETTER!)
I was previously convinced that the infamous fourth ta’veren was just a joke between RJ and Harriet about the inaccurate cover art. Not so!
In the early notes, the as-yet-unnamed Elan Morin was Lews Therin’s best friend.
He was named Ishamael already at that point, just not yet Elan Morin Tedronai. That name was in the TEOTW prologue though.
I’m not sure RJ didn’t ditch that idea some time before the BWB came out. It could be that he thought it implausible to have so many personal connections to Lews Therin among the Forsaken. Sammael and Demandred were friends too, and Lanfear.
The most powerful people in the Age of Legends were Servants. The field hands were seed singers, among the most respected people in society.
In a very early outline of the series, male channelers had to be gelded as well as being gentled (described as lobotomy-like procedure).
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RJ's notes 1
Rand was originally supposed to hook up with Morgase, who was a mix of Morgase, Elaida, and Berelain, and who gave birth to Galad. Galad was not only supposed to channel but also turn to the Shadow because of Rand’s affair with Morgase.
Galad was originally intended to start channeling after the Cleansing. And Lan was his father (by Morgase).
Sa’angreal are so rare that they all have names.
There were also supposed to be “natural” angreal scattered around, areas like Stedding where channelers could instead augment their powers.
There were originally supposed to be little Blights scattered around the southern lands in addition to the Northern Blight.
Apparently RJ pictured Birgitte as Xena and Rand as Ben Affleck.
RJ pictured Faile as a young Cher. Fain as Alan Rickman.
RJ's notes 2
Rand was at some point supposed to find himself shipwrecked on the shore of a nation of female warriors (separate from the Aiel). Kinky, eh?
The land Rand was supposed to be shipwrecked on eventually became Seanchan, and the woman he fell in love there with became Tuon.
Originally, proto-Tuon had to be convinced to let Rand leave to escape Aes Sedai, but she was to follow him later & take the Stone for him.
The Aiel were already named and developed at that point, and a female Aiel warrior-society-type was already on his list of intended lovers.
RJ had developed the Aiel as a concept before almost anything else, including the main characters, including Mat and Perrin.
RJ appears to have written most of his Aes Sedai notes around TPOD-COT. I’m sure that contributed to his slowing down quite a bit.
For those who wondered about Min’s viewing of a white-hot iron for Rand…that was an early-conceived plotline that RJ actually abandoned.
Moiraine was originally supposed to become Amyrlin at some point. Her character seems to have been split to create Siuan.
RJ often left notes reminding himself to further develop things: e.g. x happens (how?) y happens (why?). Or just (THIS NEEDS TO BE BETTER!)
I was previously convinced that the infamous fourth ta’veren was just a joke between RJ and Harriet about the inaccurate cover art. Not so!
In the early notes, the as-yet-unnamed Elan Morin was Lews Therin’s best friend.
He was named Ishamael already at that point, just not yet Elan Morin Tedronai. That name was in the TEOTW prologue though.
I’m not sure RJ didn’t ditch that idea some time before the BWB came out. It could be that he thought it implausible to have so many personal connections to Lews Therin among the Forsaken. Sammael and Demandred were friends too, and Lanfear.
The most powerful people in the Age of Legends were Servants. The field hands were seed singers, among the most respected people in society.
In a very early outline of the series, male channelers had to be gelded as well as being gentled (described as lobotomy-like procedure).
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