събота, 5 януари 2013 г.

Ревю на Мат Хач (без спойлери)

"For me, A Memory of Light is a book of moments,
moments that grip the heart."

Тамирлин (Мат Хач) от theoryland.com публикува само преди няколко часа своето ревю на "Спомен за Светлина" и въпреки че няма спойлери, препоръчвам на онези, които не искат да замъгляват ума си с мнения относно качеството, мнения относно работата по книгата и всички онези въпроси, които бяха повдигнати едва ли не със самото избиране на Брандън Сандерсън да довърши поредицата, на всички тях препоръчвам, може би, да не го четат. 

От друга страна, според мен, добре е човек да знае какво го очаква. Всеки има различно виждане за последните две книги, както и всеки от нас ще погледне по различен начин на последната, наистина последна книга. За себе си само ще кажа, че думите в ревюто не ме изненадват, но пък някак... стоплят с искреността си. Това в никакъв случай не означава, че няма да се насладя в пълна степен на книгата - отдавна съм си казала, че нищо не ще ми попречи да направя това.
Но стига празни приказки. Ще имаме достатъчно време да коментираме и спорим веднъж щом излезе книгата. :) Ето и самото ревю:

To my fellow Wheel of Time freaks,
An end to so much has come. In an unexpected way even an end to waiting, a parallel journey many of us began more than two decades ago when we picked up that mysterious and daunting blue book. At that time, none of us could have known how it would change us. How could we have known what was to come when he led us out of the small villages of our lives? How could we have known...and now that journey too is over, but the longing I feel persists. An emptiness remains. A bond has been severed, not quite tenderly. With imaginary threads, that masterful storyteller entangled us in the warp and the woof of the Pattern of an Age that was ending. We were swept like straw into a whirlpool and I, for one, know I have lived a greater life because of it, because of him...but you came to hear about a book.

For me, A Memory of Light is a book of moments, moments that grip the heart. That’s how it plays in my mind’s eye, many of which remain imprinted there. Two such moments among the many, after more than twenty years reading and discussing The Wheel of Time, made this a meaningful end to my journey. And I look forward to discussing them. You will experience your own such moments. Suffice it to say, I felt some small joy when a thing or two turned out just a bit as I had envisioned over the years. Some scenes and events devastated me too, but the majority of the book was the pleasant surprise of discovery and understanding. At times, A Memory of Light spoke with a voice of thunder, and I’m willing to bet that you will live the final third of the book, as I did, shaking. Though, it took reading that final portion of the book twice to appreciate Jordan’s overarching vision. I wasn’t prepared for the loss I felt, but there is a completeness that I now savor.

It is not a “perfect” ending. The book starts off slowly, almost torturously for freaks like me considering the tension built across decades, but it is compelling throughout. Some of you will dislike a few conversations between your favorite characters and others will feel a scene or two could have been handled better. I did. I felt similar things while reading Towers of Midnight, but I enjoyed A Memory of Light deeply. No, it was not my favorite book of the series. How could it be? After all, I created Theoryland and few theories survive literal endings. Yes, some characters here and there felt “off” at times. And I heard Brandon’s voice more in this book than I recall in the previous two, though that has never bothered me much. I assume some consistency errors will be found (or already have been). We have so much time ahead of us to discuss such things, and we will. But I hope, sincerely so, that such will not prevent you from finding meaning and solace at the end of your own journey.

But, fret not. Stop wringing your hands. We've been through this so many times together and the end is nigh! Prophecies will be fulfilled, some logically and others in surprising ways, but you do not know nearly as much as you think you do. I made that mistake too. I thought I understood the Wheel and the Pattern, those carefully laid out rules, some of which I helped nail down, piece by piece, year after year. Yet, even so I hadn’t quite grasped the totality of the Pattern failing and how it might reverberate across those very beliefs, even that all Viewings are true.

This End
No metaphor aptly describes my feelings since reading the final words of The Wheel of Time woven by Robert Jordan. It is done. And since finishing A Memory of Light, I haven’t known exactly what to say to anyone. Though, I have found some peace in the ensuing silence. Not that I can speak in much more detail yet, but I believe that I will be at a loss for words even then. This sense of loss and longing is something each will bear, some of us more than others, Harriet most of all.

To Harriet, Maria, Alan and Brandon, your sacrifices are greatly appreciated. Thousands of fans around the world will express their gratitude to you over the coming months and years for the work you have completed, as they should. Each of you has given up a piece of yourself to bring about RJ’s final vision, for which I am in your debt.

To the HCFFs, waiting with you will forever have been one of the most enjoyable parts of the journey; we filled the void with all manner of ideas and wonder for fifteen years! Thank you for making this crazy obsession feel normal.

To my friends of Theoryland, your companionship has been remarkable. You are this motley crew, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You named me and I will never forget your trust. Our friendships will endure; a final legacy of this ending.

And to Robert Jordan, others have eloquently thanked you for your work and diligence and for the difference you made in their lives; I echo their thoughts wholeheartedly. I cannot thank you enough for this tale, the Wheel, and a most dear and meaningful promise, the simple advice that has brought so much light into this world: read and find out.

-Matt Hatch
Източник: theoryland.com

петък, 4 януари 2013 г.

Спомен #40

"We'll remember those who fell, and we'll tell our children how we stood when the clouds turned black and the world started to die. We'll tell them we stood shoulder to shoulder, and there was just no space for the Shadow to squeeze through."
За списък с всички, излезли до сега, спомени цъкни тук.
Е, последните наистина са доста епични и смея да твърдя, че чувството е заразно... та затова ще споделя още една картинка, която пратих днес в the wheel of time confessions. :)

четвъртък, 3 януари 2013 г.

Изповед :Р

Не мога да на се похваля: от The Wheel of Time Confessions пуснаха моята изповед. :D  Разбира се, става дума за Моарейн. 8-)

Спомен #39 + тийзър

They seemed to be cracks into nothingness. They drew the light in, sucked it away. It was as if he was looking at fractures in the nature of reality itself.
За списък с всички, излезли до сега спомени, цъкни тук.
И нещо, за което, предполагам, много от вас за забравили, че предстои да се осъществи/сбъдне: "Пророчеството на Сянката от "Великият лов" е изпълнено по начин, който никой не е очаквал. Става дума за онези части от него, които нямат смисъл. Имало е различни теории за тях, но нито една не е вярна. И в същност има доста догадки за правилния отговор." (Терез, Dragonmount)

Приятно ви умуване. :Р

сряда, 2 януари 2013 г.

Спомен #38

Краят наближава. Готови ли сте?

Humankind did not have days remaining, but hours.
За списък с всички, излезли до сега спомени, цъкни тук.